Join the private networkfor veteran entrepreneurs.

Militia is a vetted membership group for former military entrepreneurs, CEOs, and business leaders.

Member Benefits

Strong CEO Relationships

Build close relationships with CEOs in
similar industries that go beyond business.

In Person Meetups

Take the relationships offline with in person
meetups 2x annually around an event.

Expert Speakers

Hear from expert speakers on specific issues. Published authors, fractional CFOs, tax experts, and more.

Playbook Library

Access a full library of recordings, playbooks, and
resources to get the full benefit of over 50+ sessions.

How it Works

After onboarding, you'll be assigned a cohort of 8 other veteran CEOs in similar industries.Meet every two weeks virtually over Zoom. Each session begins with personal updates from the last two weeks followed by a member or expert session.>> Member sessions are where a member of the group leads the discussion on either a problem they are facing in their business or teaching a subject they know well. Past member sessions have included talks on SEO for your business, an accounting deep dive, and how someone should hire their next employee.>> Expert sessions are where someone from outside the group will come in to talk about their area of expertise. Past experts have discussed fractional CFO work, tax optimization, how to build a business system, and many more.In between sessions, chat with other members about interesting news, events, or small talk in your cohort group chat. You can also browse past sessions in the Militia library.Two annual meetups and other events are coordinated between group members in an ongoing group chat and through accessing library of content.


Property Management

"I’m constantly faced with unique scenarios and challenges that are hard to explain to non-business owners. Militia has given me a community where I can ask those questions and get thoughtful responses from a great group of fellow veterans who aren’t trying to sell something. It’s like adding a Board to your company and has really helped me navigate some of our early business growing pains."

Finance & Investing

"I'm generally not a "joiner", but I have been blown away by the value I've received as a member of this peer group. Every week, I learn about some new tool or technique to solve problems in my business. Because everyone comes from a military background, there's an instant rapport and camraderier here with other CEOs that ish ard to find in other organizations."


What if I can't make a session?
Missing meetings periodically is completely understood. We all have businesses to run and life gets in the way, however relationships are the foundation of this group. If you can't commit to attending 80% of the time, this isn't for you.
What industries are other group members in?
Every industry you can think of from blue collar to white collar. This is not an industry specific group, but a place to hear what's working in other industries so that you can apply it in your own.
What does a typical meeting look like?
We have two types of meetings, standard and speaker.
Standard sessions begin with an update from each group member on the last two weeks followed by a presentation from a group member on a specific topic.
Expert speaker sessions are hosted by request of members on specific topics. The speaker will present for the entire session and allow for Q&A.

Getting out of the military is lonely.
So is leading a business.
What does everyone says after they get out?"I don't miss the job, just the people."It's incredibly difficult to run a business and find time to maintain the relationships that bring value to your personal and business life.Militia solves that in 2 hours a month.

Think you're a fit?

Join Militia

Looking forward to talking with you!

This video comes from a past expert session with Jon Matzner,
former State Department and CEO of Sagan Passport, a global recruiting company.

Thank you for your interest in joining. We'll be in touch soon.

What's Included?

> One monthly Focus Group
This is the monthly meetup to foster relationships within the group, offer feedback and support on one another's businesses, and discuss growth and pain points each person is experiencing.
> One monthly speaker
This monthly session will feature a vetted business leader speaking on a specific, prepared topic that is pertinent to the group's pain points and desire to understand better.
> Strong Relationships
No one succeeds on their own. As we progress post military and deeper into life and business, creating strong relationships only escalates in difficulty. This will guarantee you a place of like minded individuals, shared military experience, and working through the same issues in business you are today.
> Curated Content
Each session will be recorded, transcribed, and available to strictly members of the group for confidentiality reasons. A detailed summary and actionable notes taken from the session will curated and provided as well.


The cost of Militia is $300 quarterly.If you attend 80% of meetings in the first quarter and don't feel you've made valuable connections or learned something that will improve your business, there's a 200% money back guarantee.

If you:
> Can't commit to two meetings per month
> Plan to not actively participate
> Aren't interested in the accountability that comes with a tight knit group
This isn't for you.

Thank you

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